Sweet taste of success: the ethical chocolate-maker doing things her way | The Observer

Double page in The Observer magazine!

Read full story here: https://www.theguardian.com/all-win/2022/jun/24/sweet-taste-of-success-the-ethical-chocolate-maker-doing-things-her-way

Running your own business isn't an easy task by any means but there are things that you have done in the past that you might not realise give you the resistance to keep going. Mine is sport, particularly football ⚽

I played football for many years, having to play with the boys at school during break times as the girls didn't have a football team due to the lack of girls that played at school and across Tower Hamlets schools as a whole. The little games we did get outside school were special and taken seriously - Like when there was a 5-a-side competition and we had to dress up as the Spice Girls...Thank God for Mel B! 😂

It wasn't till I got to Uni and played for the Uni and a local Sunday league club that I knew I was right in sticking to football, the abuse women got back then for loving a game that was supposed to be 'For boys' was unreal and I believe that some of that exists today. But that teamwork, the feeling of winning the league was just something else. I even went on to get my FA coaching badge whilst at Uni because my next stop was going to be MLS in America as a football coach. I ended up winning a Students' Union election thanks to a friend and never ended up going to the states in the end.

Women's football has had such a dramatic change in the last 10 years, to think we're hosting the Euro's and it's being celebrated is mind-blowing but knowing the talent out there... It was going to catch on eventually 😎

✒️ Rosie Mullender
📷 Vicky Grout & Alex Gallowaay